Stockholm university

Research project University Education Choice: Causes and Consquences

A dataset to study the causal effects of university education, exploiting a statistical technique called regression discontinuity. I study the returns to education (in terms of earnings and wealth), educational spillovers between siblings and across generations, and how university education can influence health and social preferences.

Two siblings playing i the woods
Photo: Mostphotos/Gabby Baldrocco

I have created a dataset of university applications to Swedish universities over 40 years. I use this data in various research projects (together with different collaborators) to study the causal effects of university education, exploiting a statistical technique called regression discontinuity. I study the returns to education (in terms of earnings and wealth), educational spillovers between siblings and across generations, and how university education can influence health and social preferences.

Project members

Project managers

Adam Altmejd Selder


Swedish Institute for Social Research
Adam Altmejd

