Stockholm university

Research project Unqualified experienced teachers’ perceptions of in-service higher education

How is the professional identity of  practically experienced teachers affected by undergoing an academic education alongside their teaching work? What impact do experienced teachers perceive that the academic education has on professional activities during and after the graduation?

Lärare med lågstadiebarn
Foto: Jens Olof Lasthein

These are questions that the project investigates by interviewing teachers who have undergone the program of "Supplementary education for teachers" (VAL). The teachers come from different parts of the country and have varying lengths of experience in the profession, but all have at least three years of teaching experience. The interviews take place at least two years after the teachers have graduated. Preliminary results are expected to be presented in autumn 2023.

Project members

Project managers

Eva Edman Stålbrandt

Senior lecturer

Department of Education
Eva Edman Stålbrandt