Stockholm university

Ethics and Funding


The study received approvals from the regional Ethics committee in Stockholm and by The Swedish Ethical Review Authority

  • dnr 03-117 (2003-03-10)
  • dnr 04-944T (2004-12-10)
  • dnr 2009/1115-32 (2009-06-29)
  • dnr 2009/1830-32 (2009-11-23)
  • dnr 2014/2058-31/5
  • 2020-02383
  • 2020-06961


The project has received funding from the below research funding agencies:

The Swedish Research Council (Vetenskapsrådet)

Methods in register-based research in life course and social epidemiology
Project Investigator: Ilona Koupil
Project ID: 2013-05104

Educational quality, birth characteristics, scholastic and employment outcomes for two generations of Swedish children
Project Investigator: Anthony Garcy
Project ID: 2013-02139

SIMSAM Lund: New perspectives on the interplay between environmental factors, social issues and health
Project Investigator: Anna Rignell-Hydbom
Project ID: 2013-05474

Uppsala Birth Cohort Multigenerational Study (UBCoS Multigen)
Project Investigator: Ilona Koupil
Project ID 2006-7498

The Uppsala birth cohort multigeneration study: reproduction of health and health inequality across five generations
Project Investigator: Ilona Koupil
Project 345-2003-2440

The Swedish Resarch Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (FORTE)

Social mobility and health among Swedish men and women born 1915-2010: life course and intergenerational effects across the twentieth century
Project Investigator: Ilona Koupil
Project ID: 2013-1084

The Swedish Council for Working Life and Social Research (Forskningsrådet för arbetsliv och socialvetenskap, FAS)

Reproduction of health and health inequality across five generations
("Sociala skillnader i hälsa. En studie av deras reproduction över fem generationer")
Project Investigator: Ilona Koupil
Project ID: 2003-0101

Life course approach to health equity studies
("Livsförloppsfaktorers betydelse för hälsa och hälsoojämlikhet")
Project Investigator: Ilona Koupil
Project ID: 2004-1439

Statistical methods in life course research
("Statistiska metoder för livsförloppsstudier")
Project Investigator: Ilona Koupil
Project ID: 2006-1276

Developmental origins of health inequality – maternal influences, growth in early life, reproduction, and health in adulthood
Project Investigator: Ilona Koupil
Project ID: 2007-1010

Centre for Health Equity Studies (CHESS)