Stockholm university

Research project Volume “One size fits all? Linguistic standards used in the media of pluricentric language areas”

I am editing a volume on linguistic standards used in the media of pluricentric language areas.

This peer-reviewed volume is planned to be published in December 2022 by PCL-Press and will be available open access.

What is happening to the language used in, both original and translated, media in pluricentric language areas, today? To get a better understanding of present-day policies and practices in terms of the linguistic standards used in printed, audio, and audiovisual media and the impact of such choices on audiences in pluricentric language areas, I am looking forward to receiving a wide range of different contributions from linguists, literary and media scholars, as well as scholars in other relevant disciplines.

Download the Call for Abstracts:  CfA Linguistic standards used in the media of pluricentric language areas (222 Kb)

Project members

Project managers

Reglindis De Ridder

Associate Professor

Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies Finnish Dutch and German