Stockholm university

Research project What can the sense of smell teach us about higher brain functions?

A fundamental question in psychology is how sensations interact with cognitive processes.

Lavender and a hazy human. Photo: Markus Spiske from Pixabay.

Cognitive researchers have focused mostly on the “higher senses” of vision (what we see) and audition (what we hear). Olfaction, the sense of smell, is less well understood. I will use behavioral and neuroimaging methods at the Stockholm University Brain Imaging Centre (SUBIC) to study why cognitive processing might be different in olfaction compared to other senses. The purpose of the project is to identify general principles that determine sensory-cognitive processing.

Project members

Project managers


Nira Cedres


Department of Psychology

William Fredborg

PhD Student

Department of Psychology

Teodor Jernsäther-Ohlsson

Project coordinator

Department of Psychology

Malina Maria Szychowska


Department of Psychology