Stockholm university

Research project Writing cultures and formative assessment practices

This project explores how writing cultures and assessment practices in upper secondary school can be developed.

The aim of the project is to explore what characterizes writing cultures and formative assessment practices in different subjects in upper secondary school in Sweden, and to investigate how writing cultures and formative assessment practices can be developed by teachers testing and evaluating different models for assessment and teaching ("Teacher Learning Communities", Leahy & Wiliam, 2009).

Writing cultures refer to the writing that takes place in a specific school subject and how these shape and are shaped by the writing events and writing practices that arise (Christensen et al., 2014). Assessment practices refer to various formative activities that have to do with the performance and use of assessments in order to develop students' learning (Newton, 2007). This study refers to assessments for developing a functional subject-specific writing in diiferent subjects in upper secondary school.

Project members

Project managers

Per Blomqvist

Senior lecturer

Department of Teaching and Learning


Blomqvist, P. (in press)

Skrivbedömning och kreativitet – att utveckla elevers diskursiva skrivande i gymnasieskolan. Svensklärarföreningens årstidskrift, 2022. Stockholm: Natur och kultur