Stockholm university

Over long timescales, the circulation systems co-evolve with ice sheets, mountain ranges, and redistributions of carbon in the climate system. Researcher study the circulation and associated feedback mechanisms that influence exchanges of energy and materials between compartments of the climate system, and create teleconnections and climate variability.

The research explores mechanisms that dynamically connect land, sea, and atmosphere, and how they impact on climate. Research topics include interactions between marine biota and clouds in the Arctic, teleconnections and atmospheric waves, and the past and future evolution of the North Greenland Ice Sheet. Researchers utilize data from observation systems such as satellites and the icebreaker Oden, as well as modelling and laboratory experiments.

Related research subject

Atmosphere, ocean and climate science
Thunder and lightning. Photo: Göran Erlandsson
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Interdepartmental and international collaboration is a key factor for research. Researchers at the Department of Meteorology, the Bolin Centre for Climate Reseach and the Baltic Sea Centre collaborate with SMHI, KTH The Royal Institute of Technology  and other Swedish and international universities and organisations.

The Department of Meteorology also administrates The International Meteorological Institute in Stockholm which works towards increasing the exchange and collaboration between scientists in different countries.

Department of Meteorology Bolin Centre for Climate Research Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre