Stockholm university

Research in Meteorology and Atmospheric Science deals with the atmosphere's three layers: the Troposphere, the Mesosphere and the Stratosphere. We study how and why the atmosphere moves, how aerosols (small particles) form, are transported and interact with clouds, precipitation and solar radiation, and how this affects polar climates.

We look for the answers to these questions by going on research expeditions to the North Pole, using observations from other locations and by using satellites, rockets and ground based instruments to make measurements. The collected data are processed with machine learning and computer modeling.

Related research subject

Atmosphere, ocean and climate science
Ice polar stratospheric clouds. Photo: P. Achtert
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Interdepartmental and international collaboration is a key factor for research. Researchers at the Department of Meteorology, the Bolin Centre for Climate Reseach and the Baltic Sea Centre collaborate with SMHIKTH The Royal Institute of Technology  and other Swedish and international universities and organisations.

The Department of Meteorology also administrates The International Meteorological Institute in Stockholm which works towards increasing the exchange and collaboration between scientists in different countries.

Department of Meteorology Bolin Centre for Climate Research Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre