Stockholm university

In Plant Physiology, the life processes of photosynthetic organisms are studied. The aim is to better understand how plants develop and function in changing environments.

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Here you will find the master degree projects we offer in Plant Physiology

All our education in Plant Phsyiology you can find here.

The research in Plant Physiology is focusing on many different organisms, from marine cyanobacteria and seagrasses to terrestrial plants such as mosses, actinorhizal plants, crop plants and the model plant Arabidopsis. The department's plant physiological research spans both theoretically and experimentally over many levels, such as cell and developmental biology, molecular biology, biochemistry (proteomics, metabolomics), genome analysis, evolution and ecophysiology.


Related research subject

Plant Sciences
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Research groups

Research projects

Doctoral studies

Would you like to learn more about our research areas at the Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences? Then a career in research may be right for you.

Apply to our doctoral program and help us find answers to unanswered research questions for the future

Departments and centres

Research in the subject takes place at the Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences (DEEP).

Department of Ecology, Environment and Plant Sciences