Stockholm university

Criminological research on gender and crime can be about both the causes of crime and exposure to crime. The differences between men and women's crime, vulnerability and insecurity are large and a gender perspective helps to understand this.

Central to a gender perspective is a focus on how notions of gender are socially and relationally constructed, as well as that power is part of these notions and constructions.

Examples of research in the field are how masculinity constructions and norms around femininity affect criminal behavior. Even in relation to issues of cessation of crime, gender is a rewarding theoretical perspective, where gender norms can both promote and prevent cessation of crime.

Other important research questions in the field of gender and crime are how gender norms and notions of women and men also affect how we view victims of crime.

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Olof Bäckman


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Olof B

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Henrik Tham

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Department of Criminology
Henrik Tham

Janne Flyghed

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Department of Criminology
Janne Flyghed

Felipe Estrada Dörner


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Robin Gålnander

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Department of Criminology
Robin Gålnander

Research projects