Stockholm university

The trade research pursued at Stockholm University covers a range of topics, but often combines theory and data in attempts to understand the attributes and behavior of firms active in international markets.

One active research area addresses the effects of trade liberalization on outcomes such as the volume of trade, welfare, and the emission of pollutants.

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Horng Chern Wong

Assistant Professor

Department of Economics
Horng Chern Wong

Karolina Ekholm


Department of Economics
Karolina Ekholm

Harry Flam

Professor Emeritus

Institute for International Economic Studies
Harry Flam

Rikard Forslid


Department of Economics

Mathias Herzing

Associate professor

Department of Economics
Mathias Herzing

Jonas Vlachos


Department of Economics
Jonas Vlachos

Yimei Zou

Assistant Professor

Institute for International Economic Studies
Yimei Zou