Stockholm university

Environment and sustainability are important research fields at Stockholm University. The research covers, for example, environmental toxins, climate change and landscape processes and how to build a society in a sustainable way.


On this page

Aerosols, Clouds and Climate

Clouds below Zeppelin station

Air Quality and Human Health

Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics

Contaminant Risk Assessment and Management

Effects Assessment of Contaminants

Environmental and Human Exposure for Contaminants

Environmental Impacts of Agriculture and Aquaculture


Fate and Effects of Toxic Substances in the Environment


Fisheries – Interactions with the Ecosystem

Herring. Photo: Anna Björn at the Skansen Baltic sea aquarium.

Land-use Effects on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Natural resources and sustainability

Naturresurser och hållbarhet

Nexus of Air Pollution and Climate Change

Nutrients and Eutrophication

nutrients and eutrophication

Permafrost-biogeochemistry-climate Interactions