Stockholm university

The philosophy of social science addresses philosophical questions raised by the social and behavioral sciences. That’s sciences dealing with human attitudes, beliefs, behaviors, practices, cultures, and institutions.

Central questions in the philosophy of social science concern the possibility of scientific knowledge in the human domain. Is a science of human behavior possible at all? How do social sciences differ from the natural ones? Can they be value free? Can human phenomena and practices be scientifically measured, explained, and predicted? Other questions deal with applications. Can a scientific approach to human behavior and institutions help us live better lives and build better societies? What’s an expert and what role should they play in the policy process? Would the social and behavioral sciences be more useful if they were somehow improved? The philosophy of social science makes us not just better able to understand social science and its promises – but to practice it as well.

Related research subject

Philosophy, Practical
Social and behaviour
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Krister Bykvist


Department of Philosophy
Krister Bykvist

Erik Angner


Department of Philosophy
Headshot: Erik Angner

Orri Stefansson


Department of Philosophy
Orri Stefansson

Katharina Berndt Rasmussen

Associate Professor

Department of Philosophy
Photo Katharina Berndt Rasmussen

Research projects