Stockholm university

Applying a social determinants of health perspective, we study how risk factors, health, disease and mortality are distributed between migrants and natives. Specifically, we investigate how various downstream and upstream social factors contribute to the development, continuity, or reduction of health inequalities by country of origin.

Within this research area, we examine how health varies between various migrant groups and how their health is shaped by experiences in the host country. We also consider how relevant background factors such as gender, specific country of birth and reason for migration contribute to such associations. We apply advanced statistical methods to both survey and nationwide population registry data.

Our research embraces the slogan ‘no public health without migrant health’ (Lancet Public Health, 2018) contributing knowledge toward reducing health and social inequalities between natives and individuals with a foreign background. This research area aligns with the aim of the 10th goal of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development oriented toward reducing inequalities within and among countries.

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Public Health Sciences
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Mikael Rostila


Department of Public Health Sciences

Helena Honkaniemi-Hoppe


Department of Public Health Sciences
Helena Honkaniemi

Sol Juarez

Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor

Department of Public Health Sciences

Alexander Miething


Department of Public Health Sciences
Alexander Miething

Olof Östergren

/Researcher/Associate professor

Department of Public Health Sciences
Olof Östergren

Research projects