Stockholm university

This is the study of planetary chemical processes. The field encompasses the study of organic, inorganic chemistry and biogeochemical processes.

Geochemistry challenge is quantitative definition of the processes that determine elemental distributions in minerals, rocks, ores, soils, water and atmospheres of natural systems based on the chemical and physical properties of elements and their isotopes.

Read more about Geochemistry education and research conducted at the Department of Geological Sciences.

Related research subject

Geological Sciences
ice hole coverd with new ice
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Research projects

Courses and programmes

Doctoral studies

The Department of Geological Sciences has three research education programs: Geochemistry, Geology and Marine Geology. This education ends with a degree as Licentiate of Philosophy and/or Doctor of Philosophy in one of the three programs.

Read more about our PhD studies

Departments and centres

Research in the subject takes place at the Department of Geological Sciences and is strongly integrated with the interests of the Bolin Centre for Climate Research and the Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre.

Department of Geological Sciences Bolin Centre for Climate Research Baltic Sea Centre Stable Isotope Laboratory (SIL)