Stockholm university

The field embraces the study of the geology and history (paleoceanography, paleoclimatology, marine cryosphere) of the oceans using marine sediment archives.

Marine geophysics is an important component of the field, with a focus on mapping Earth's surface landforms and sub-surface geology together with data compilations in large data-bases. A wide range of numerical models are employed to better understand processes in the Earth system on all time scales. Research in Marine geology also involves studies of lake sediments and lake bottom morphology.

Read more about Marin geology education and research conducted at the Department of Geological Sciences.

Related research subject

Geological Sciences
Icebreaker Oden in Petermann fjord, 2019. Photo: Martin Jakobsson
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Research projects

Courses and programmes

Doctoral studies

The Department of Geological Sciences has three research education programs: Geochemistry, Geology and Marine Geology. This education ends with a degree as Licentiate of Philosophy and/or Doctor of Philosophy in one of the three programs.

Read more about our PhD studies

Departments and centres

Research in the subject takes place at the Department of Geological Sciences and is strongly integrated with the interests of the Bolin Centre for Climate Research and the Stockholm University Baltic Sea Centre.

Department of Geological Sciences Bolin Centre for Climate Research Baltic Sea Centre Stable Isotope Laboratory (SIL) Centre for Palaeogenetics