Stockholm university

The seas cover more than 70 percent of the surface of our planet, and hosts a great variety of habitats. They range from artic ice landscapes, Baltic Sea archipelagos, tidal flats, coral reefs and trenches deeper that Mount Everest is high. At Stockholm University we perform research to discover more about the sea.

_DSC4617.jpg Jesper Ström
On this page

Baltic Sea Catchment


Biodiversity, Ecosystem Services and Marine Reserves

Jesper Ström

Coasts of the Baltic Sea

Fritidsbåt åker ut från hamnen i gamla Oxelösund

Fisheries – Interactions with the Ecosystem

Herring. Photo: Anna Björn at the Skansen Baltic sea aquarium.

Food Webs and Fisheries

Jesper ström

Natural resources and sustainability

Naturresurser och hållbarhet

Nutrients and Eutrophication

nutrients and eutrophication

Open Baltic Sea

Satellitbild över Östersjön med algblomning sydost om Gotland och Öland

Permafrost-biogeochemistry-climate Interactions