Stockholm university

The Early Modern period (c. 1500-1800) evades easy characterization. Traditionally it has been regarded as a transition period between Medieval and Modern times in European history. However, historians today are more interested in global developments and their local manifestations.

With this also comes the ambition to understand the period on its own terms, rather than seeking the origins of the modern world in the past.

Historians at the Department of History examine many of the period’s most important transformative processes; state building and the Reformation, globalization and commercialization. Historians also focus on distinctive characteristics of the period, such as migration, the crises of the seventeenth century caused by war and cold climate, as well as the great significance of religion in society and culture. Thereby, there is a strong interest at the University both for people’s everyday experiences and the large processes that have shaped them.

Scholars at the Department of History organize the Early Modern History Seminar. The seminars can be found in the Department's calendar.

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Oljemålning. Kvinnor och män i 1500-talskläder. Framför dem massor av kött och frukt.
On this page


Erik Bodensten


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Erik Bodensten

Bo Eriksson

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Bo Eriksson

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Charlotta Forss

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Department of History
Mats Hallenberg

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Magnus Linnarsson

Per Anton Runesson


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Ingvar Sjöblom


Department of History
Ingvar Sjöblom

Research groups

Research projects


Departments and centres

Network for Early Modern History


Department of History