Stockholm university

Media history deals with the relationship between different forms of media, and the materiality of media, in a historical perspective.

Researchers in Stockholm investigate, for example, the history of digitization in the 20th century, as well as questions about the history of literacy, about the reading public and about the emergence and changes in public spheres.

Related research subject

History of ideas
Tryckpress för offsettryck. Foto: Julo. Wikimedia Commons.
On this page


Staffan Bergwik


Department of Culture and Aesthetics
Staffan Bergwik

David Malm

PhD student

Department of Culture and Aesthetics
David Malm

Research projects

Doctoral studies

The postgraduate studies in History of Ideas consists of four years of fulltime studies with employment. As a PhD student you will be contributing to the research from Stockholm University and to the research environment at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics. The doctoral studies include writing an independent thesis.

Read more about PhD Studies


Departments and centres

The research activities takes place at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics.

Department of Culture and Aesthetics