Stockholm university

Italian historical linguistics is concerned with the evolution of linguistic structures from Latin to Italian and their development from the Middle Ages to the Nineteenth century.

Moreover, it studies the use of Italian thorugh history in literary and non-literary texts. Italian historical linguistics includes studies in phonetcs, morfology, syntax, the lexicon, textual analysis, rhetoric and varieties of Italian from a historical point of view. Moreover it studies the linguistic development of Italian dialects, particularly during the Middle Ages. The study of historical grammars and linguistic treatises and that of etymology fall as well within the subject.

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Michele Colombo

Professor i italienska

Department of Romance Studies and Classics
Michele Colombo Du Mesnil

Marta Garbelli

PhD student

Department of Romance Studies and Classics
Marta Garbelli profile pic

Tzortzis Ikonomou


Department of Romance Studies and Classics
Tzortzis Ikonomou

Research group


Departments and centres

Research in the subject takes place at the Department of Romance Studies and Classics

Department of Romance Studies and Classics