Stockholm university

Life course criminology is a collective concept that captures a research tradition that in the broadest sense is about studying individuals' lives over time.

Crime is a phenomenon that is strongly linked to certain phases of life, not least adolescence or early adulthood - after which many people stop their crime. Why is it like that? And why are there a small number of individuals who continue to commit crimes for much longer than that?

Through both quantitative and qualitative studies, life course criminological studies examine ways into and out of crime. Life course criminology has in a relatively short time become one of the most prominent and influential research fields in criminology and touches on several central scientific core questions: is the individual static or dynamic? Is the reason for the individual's action mainly in biology or in social environments - and how would integrated explanatory models, so-called "Biosocial", look?

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Photo: Igor Stevanovic/Mostphotos
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Mats Christoffer Carlsson


Department of Criminology

Fredrik Sivertsson

Bitr lektor

Department of Criminology

Janne Flyghed

Professor emeritus

Department of Criminology
Janne Flyghed

Felipe Estrada Dörner


Department of Criminology

Robin Gålnander

Bitr lektor

Department of Criminology
Robin Gålnander

Research projects