Stockholm university

The research area addresses the central elements of different generations of development thought and their political implications in Latin America, from modernization theory and the dependency school, to sustainable development and more critical thoughts on development.

The research area addresses the central elements of different generations of development thought and their political implications in Latin America, from modernization theory and the dependency school, to sustainable development and more critical thoughts on development expressed in, for example, deep ecology and indigenous rooted notions such as Good Life (Buen Vivir/Vivir Bien). A central discussion centers on Latin America’s position as exporter of primary products within the international division of labor.

Related research subject

Latin American Studies
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Magnus Lembke

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Romance Studies and Classics

Andrés Rivarola Puntigliano


Department of Romance Studies and Classics
Andrés Rivarola Puntigliano. Bakgrund flaggor

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Research in the subject takes place at the Nordic Institute of Latin American Studies, in the Department of Romance Studies and Classics

Department of Romance Studies and Classics Nordic Institute of Latin American Studies