Stockholm university

General linguistics is the general study of the structure of languages and linguistic communication. Our research has a main focus on linguistic diversity and psycho- and neurolinguistics.

Research on linguistic diversity includes

  • typological comparisons of linguistic phenomena (eg a type of construction or a particular semantic domain) within representative samples of the world’s languages
  • language documentation, ie typologically correct descriptions of minor and endangered languages
  • research on language contact and language changes that examines how languages ​​develop over time and how different languages ​​are affected by being in long-term contact with each other.

Within the process perspective of psycholinguistics, it is the human language processing that is highlighted. Brain imaging and models of language in the brain are often used in this research, which is why it is also known as neurolinguistics. Here is also a focus on studying conversation – a new horizon in psycho- and neurolinguistics, that previously mainly has examined the language processing of individual words or sentences.

Read more about our various research projects further down the page.

Section representative
Maria Koptjevskaja Tamm

Related research subject

Deltagare i forskningsstudie i Kashmir presenterar data. Foto: Henrik Liljegren
On this page


Maria Koptjevskaja Tamm


Department of Linguistics
Maria Koptjevskaja Tamm Photo: K Tamm

Luba Nikolova Vesselinova


Department of Linguistics
Ljuba Veselinova

Bernhard Wälchli


Department of Linguistics
Bernhard Wälchli

Henrik Liljegren


Department of Linguistics
Henrik Liljegren

Julia Uddén

Associate Professor

Department of Psychology
Julia Uddén Foto: Psykologiska institutionen/HD

Ghazaleh Vafaeian


Department of Child and Youth Studies

Matti Marttinen Larsson


Department of Linguistics
Matti Marttinen Larsson

Pernilla Hallonsten Halling


Department of Linguistics

Mikael Parkvall


Department of Linguistics

Caroline Arvidsson

PhD student

Department of Linguistics

Alice Bondarenko


Department of Linguistics

Anastasiia Panova

PhD student

Department of Linguistics

Anna Sjöberg

PhD student

Department of Linguistics

Östen Dahl

Professor emeritus

Department of Linguistics

Björn Hammarberg

Professor emeritus

Department of Linguistics
Björn Hammarberg. Photo: Björn Hammarberg

Tore Janson

Professor emeritus

Department of Linguistics

Research group

Research projects

Courses and programmes


Departments and centres

Research in this subject is conducted at the Department of Linguistics.

Department of Linguistics