Stockholm university

Research subject The historicity and historiography of literature

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Anna Albrektson


Department of Culture and Aesthetics
Anna Albrektson

Krzysztof Bak


Department of Culture and Aesthetics
Krzysztof Bak

Helena Bodin


Department of Culture and Aesthetics
Helena Bodin

Carin Franzén


Department of Culture and Aesthetics
Carin Franzén

Thomas Götselius


Department of Culture and Aesthetics
Thomas Götselius

Ingemar Haag


Department of Culture and Aesthetics
Ingemar Haag framför en vägg med bokhyllor.

Caroline Haux

Senior lecturer, associate professor

Department of Culture and Aesthetics
Caroline Haux

Jan Holmgaard

Senior lecturer

Department of Culture and Aesthetics
Jan Holmgaard

Anna Jörngården Galili

Senior lecturer, associate professor

Department of Culture and Aesthetics
Anna Jörngården

Vera Sundin

PhD student

Department of Culture and Aesthetics
Vera Sundin framför en träddunge.

Per Anders Wiktorsson

Senior lecturer

Department of Culture and Aesthetics
Per Anders Wiktorsson framför en vägg med bokhyllor.

Doctoral studies

The postgraduate studies in Literature consists of four years of fulltime studies with employment. As a PhD student you will be contributing to the research from Stockholm University and to the research environment at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics. The doctoral studies include writing an independent thesis.

Read more about PhD Studies

Departments and centres

The research activities takes place at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics.

Department of Culture and Aesthetics