Stockholm university

Media and communication studies is a field that focuses on the most pressing issues of our time, as they appear at the intersection of communication, technology, politics and culture. We explore, in various ways, the basis for and content of mediated communication, its roles in society and in everyday life.

PUBLISHED: March 26, 2024
UPDATED: April 3, 2024

Research in media and communication studies at the department’s section for journalism, media and communication (JMK) is grounded in the social sciences as well as the humanities. The combination makes it a rich melting pot for empirically, theoretically and methodologically leading research that tackles the significance of mediated communication for people as cultural and social beings. Our research is internationally recognized, while also committed to and sought after in Swedish public debate.

Taken as a whole, research in media and communication at JMK contributes to an understanding of the importance of the media on local, national and global levels, from historical, contemporary and future-oriented perspectives. There is a shared focus on power structures, (in)equality in representation, and the potential and challenges associated with communication technology. Research is conducted in four main areas: global media studies; media practices and technical media studies; politics, media and communication; and popular culture and celebrity studies. Many of our projects are financed by grants from major funding bodies.

At JMK, there is a tradition of collaboration with both the media profession and the cultural sector, including for example film and theatre, and there is considerable research co-operation between the department’s scholars in media and communications and those working within journalism studies. Taken together, all of these aspects contribute to a dynamic and strong research environment.

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On this page

Global Media Studies

Media Practices and Technological Media Studies

Politics, Media and Communication

Popular Culture and Celebrity Studies