Stockholm university

Research subject Vocation, Vocational Education, and Professional Development

Within this theme, we are interested in how people learn their vocation and how they develop in various vocational fields. Central to vocational education is both upper secondary and municipal adult education (komvux).

The research targets questions related to vocational schools and working life, as well as transitions between education and into professional life. the research also handles questions related to upper secondary vocational education, vocational schools, and folk high schools, as well as vocational teacher education both nationally, internationally, and comparatively. 

The research in the field aims to explore research problems at different levels as well as the relationships between them.

At the macrolevel, or societal level, we can look at how vocational education was and is organised and developed in various contexts. A the meso- and micro, which include organisations as well as students and teachers, can involve questions surrounding how vocational secondary schools are organised and lead. One can also analyse processes used in instructional design, teaching, skill development, and in assessment in the classroom and in the workplace. The research field contributes to research based vocational education. 

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Carina Carlhed Ydhag

Professor/Head of department

Department of Education
Portrait of Carina Carlhed Ydhag

Katarina Lagercrantz All

Senior lecturer

Department of Education
Katarina Lagercrantz All

Åsa Broberg

Senior lecturer/director of studies for the doctoral program

Department of Education
Foto på Åsa Broberg

Eva Eliasson

Senior lecturer

Department of Education
Eva Eliasson

Janne Kontio

Senior lecturer

Department of Education

Ruhi Tyson

Senior lecturer

Department of Education
Ruhi Tyson

Petros Gougoulakis


Department of Education
Petros Gougoulakis

Rebecca Ye

Senior lecturer

Department of Education
Rebecca Ye

Marianne Teräs


Department of Education
Marianne Teräs-foto-SörenAndersson

Lazaro Moreno Herrera


Department of Education
Lazaro Moreno Herrera, Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik, Stockholms universitet

Research groups

Research projects


Departments and centres

The research is conducted at the Department of Education.

Department of Education