Stockholm university

Educational philosophy is about philosophical foundations for pedagogical issues. It can be about epistemological, moral-philosophical and aesthetic studies regarding learning, teaching, school and education in national and international contexts.

Questions asked can be what do students learn, how and why? It can also be about critical studies of the effects of education. Is it preparation for the labor market or something more profane such as education, autonomy and creativity? In addition, educational philosophy can also demonstrate what is possible with education such as educating critical thinking and creative people under different circumstances such as social, cultural, economic and political.

Related research subject

Platon och Aristoteles
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Rebecca Adami

Senior lecturer

Department of Education
Credit UN Photo

Klas Roth


Department of Education
Klas Roth

Niclas Rönnström

Senior lecturer

Department of Education
Niclas Rönnström, docent, Stockholms universitet

Elias Schwieler

Senior lecturer

Department of Education
Elias Schwieler

Cormac McGrath

Senior lecturer

Department of Education
Cormac McGrath

Anki Bengtsson

Senior lecturer

Department of Education
Anki Bengtsson 2

Karin Gunnarsson

Senior lecturer

Department of Education
Karin Gunnarsson nov 2022

Claudia Schumann


Department of Special Education
Claudia Schumann

Ingrid Andersson

PhD student

Department of Education
Ingrid Andersson

Lia Bahizi

PhD student

Department of Education
Lia Mollvik

Fariba Majlesi

PhD student

Department of Education
Fariba Majlesi

Rama Alshoufani

PhD student

Department of Education

Katarzyna Maria Twaróg

PhD student

Department of Education
Katarzyna Maria Twaróg

Verena Meister

PhD student

Department of Education
Verena Meister

Tyra Nilsson

PhD student

Department of Education
Tyra Nilsson

Maria Öhrstedt

Senior lecturer/Director of Studies

Department of Education
Maria Öhrstedt- Foto: Sören Andersson

Research group

Research projects

Departments and centres

The research is conducted at the Department of Education.

Department of Education