Stockholm university

Research within higher education has the ambition to understand and analyse learning processes and their result on both students, university teachers, and groups or higher education organisations.

Higher education has a strong influence over future professionals. Understanding the terms, content and form of higher education are central in order for it to reach its full potential in both contributing to the future of society and as a study and workplace. 

Our researchers are involved in both the development of theoretical explanatory models and in the designing of practical operational models in order to create the grounds for developing different dimensions of higher education. For example, studies look into the development of critical thinking, the impact of emotions on student learning, questions surrounding examination and course design, as well as the conditions provided by the higher education institution in order to support good academic teaching.

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Alexandra Farazouli

PhD student

Department of Education

Blanka Ráhel Rósa

PhD student

Department of Education

Tanya O'Reilly

PhD student

Department of Education
Tanya O'Reilly

Susanne Kreitz-Sandberg

Senior lecturer

Department of Education

Ebba Maria Berggren

PhD student

Department of Education
Ebba Berggren

Lena Geijer

Senior lecturer

Department of Teaching and Learning
Lena Geijer

Cormac McGrath

Senior lecturer

Department of Education
Cormac McGrath

Jonas von Reybekiel Trostek

Senior lecturer

Department of Education

Eva Svärdemo Åberg

Senior lecturer

Department of Education
Eva Svärdemo Åberg

Max Scheja


Department of Education
Max Scheja

Maria Öhrstedt

Senior lecturer/Director of Studies

Department of Education
Maria Öhrstedt- Foto: Sören Andersson

Maria Weurlander

Senior lecturer

Department of Education

Stefan Ekecrantz

Senior lecturer

Department of Education
Stefan Ekecrantz, Institutionen för pedagogik och didaktik, Stockholms universitet

Gustav Lymer

Senior lecturer

Department of Education

Research groups

Research projects

Courses and programmes


Departments and centres

The research is conducted at the Department of Education.

Department of Education