Stockholm university

Physics is the science of studying the constituents of matter at a fundamental level and the forces that affect them. It studies the smallest elements of nature, but also the evolution and structure of the universe.

At Fysikum, research is carried out in both theoretical and experimental physics. The research is organised into seven research topics. Within these topics, research is usually carried out in project form, sometimes in collaboration between several research departments at Fysikum and often also in collaboration with research groups at other universities and research institutes.

Lectures in physics were given as early as the start of Stockholm University in 1878. Svante Arrhenius (Nobel laureate in chemistry in 1903) became the university's first professor of physics in 1895. One of the leading figures in quantum physics - Oskar Klein - was also a professor of physics at Stockholm University (1930-62).

Research in the Laboratory of Quantum Engineering with Trapped Ions, Physics. Photo: Jens Olof Lasth
On this page

Astroparticle and Elementary Particle Physics

Astropartikelfysik och elementarpartikelfysik

Atomic Physics


Chemical Physics

Kemisk fysik

Condensed Matter and Quantum Optics


Cosmology, Particle Astrophysics and Strings


Instrumentation and Nuclear Physics

Atlas Calorimeter

Medical Radiation Physics

Medicinsk sjukhusfysik