Stockholm university

The Division of Work and Organizational Psychology

The Division of Work and Organizational Psychology at the Department of Psychology conducts research and organizes undergraduate, master’s, and doctoral studies in work and organizational psychology.

We do research about the working person viewed in their context: in the group, in the organization and in relation to different activities and roles in society. Balance and interaction between paid work and other parts of life has an important place in research as well as stress and health, personal and professional development and the individual's position in the labor market. Among the environmental factors, we pay special attention to organizational and technical change, new forms of organization and employment, new reward systems and the flexibility of work.

Publications from the Division of Work and Organizational Psychology since 2020


Head of Division
Professor Magnus Sverke

Co-Head of Division
Professor Petra Lindfors

+46-8-16 2000 (exchange)

Visiting address
Albanovägen 12

Postal address
Department of Psychology
Stockholm University
SE-106 91 Stockholm