Stockholm university

Linguistic research in Slavic languages ​​is conducted at the department, which includes both individual languages ​​(Polish, Russian and Czech), and typological and contrastive comparisons between the Slavic languages ​​and other languages.

Research areas

Research orientations are shown in the following list of research areas:

  • Grammatical and lexical semantics: Russian functional grammar (Nadezjda Zorikhina Nilsson) and Russian lexical semantics (Ludmila Pöppel); Polish Cognitive Linguistics (Ewa Teodorowicz Hellman).
  • Grammatical typology: especially verb categories, aspect and taxis in Slavic languages, especially Russian (Nadezjda Zorikhina Nilsson); aspect and case in Slavic languages, especially Czech (Milan Bílý).
  • Contrastive studies: grammatical and lexical semantics in Slavic languages ​​in comparison with Swedish (Russian, Nadezjda Zorikhina Nilsson, Ludmila Pöppel, Irina Malaxos; Czech, Tora Hedin).
  • Corpus linguistics: semantic co-occurrences in vocatives (Irina Malaxos), prefixes in Russian online newspapers (Thomas Samuelsson), co-occurrences of subjective adjectives and nouns in Czech, modern newspaper text (Irene Elmerot)
  • Lexicography: Russian-Russian and Swedish-Russian (Ludmila Pöppel, Nadezjda Zorikhina Nilsson).
  • Mass media language: Russian political language (Ludmila Pöppel); totalitarian language in Czech media, language and gender in Czech TV discourse (Tora Hedin); word formation in Russian media (Thomas Samuelsson); stereotypes in Czech newspaper language 1990–2020 (Irene Elmerot)
  • Bilingualism in Swedish-Russian children, language development and language learning. Language contact, the Russian language in Sweden, linguistic socialization in Russian-Swedish families (Natalia Ringblom).

Cross-cutting areas include medieval studies and translation studies, which are interdisciplinary in nature:

  • Medieval studies: language history, text edition, description of medieval Slavic manuscripts in Swedish archives (Old Church Slavonic, Russian: Alexander Pereswetoff-Morath, Larisa Korobenko).
  • Translation science: Polish (Ewa Teodorowicz Hellman, Lisa Mendoza Åsberg); Czech (Tora Hedin); Russian (Nadezjda Zorikhina Nilsson).

Contrastive and translation studies have begun to occupy a larger share of the department's research, as whell as corpus linguistic methods, which have increasingly become part of our research profile.

Related research subject

Slavic languages
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Irene Elmerot

Doctoral Student

Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies Finnish Dutch and German
Irene Elmerot, photo by Petr Makovička

Tora Hedin

PhD Slavic languages

Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies Finnish Dutch and German
Tora Hedin, docent i Slaviska språk

Irina Malaxos


Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies Finnish Dutch and German

Lisa Mendoza Åsberg


Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies Finnish Dutch and German
Doktorand i slaviska språk

Ludmila Pöppel


Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies Finnish Dutch and German
Professor Ludmila Pöppel

Natalia Ringblom


Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies Finnish Dutch and German

Thomas Samuelsson

Doctoral Student

Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies Finnish Dutch and German

Ewa Teodorowicz-Hellman

Professor Emerita of Polish

Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies Finnish Dutch and German
Ewa Teodorowicz-Hellman

Nadezjda Zorikhina Nilsson

Professor of Slavic Languages

Department of Slavic and Baltic Studies Finnish Dutch and German
Nadezjda Zorikhina Nilsson 2017