Stockholm university

Domestic violence and abuse is a comprehensive societal problem with a high relevance to social work practice. Knowledge about the problem is also formally required within Swedish social work programs.

Research in this area has been conducted at the Institution for social work since the 1990s. The focus of the studies has been individual’s exposure and perpetration, societal support, protection and treatment and how professionals and different authorities and agencies work with the issue. We are interested in the phenomena in regards to laws, conventions and regulations, and the importance of gender, age, ethnicity and class. Our institution has been particularly interested in researching honour-based violence and abuse. 

Related research subject

Social Work
Två personer som lutar huvudet emot varandra
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Peter Andersson

Senior lecturer

Department of Social Work
Peter Andersson

Ann-Sofie Bergman

Senior lecturer, associate professor

Department of Social Work
Ann-Sofie Bergman

Mariet Ghadimi

Guest lecturer

Department of Social Work
Mariet Ghadimi. Foto: Eva Dalin

Sibel Korkmaz

Senior lecturer

Department of Social Work

Hanna Linell

Senior lecturer

Department of Social Work
Hanna Linell

Lisa Lundberg

PhD student

Department of Social Work
Lisa Lundberg. Foto: Eva Dalin

Devin Rexvid

Senior lecturer

Department of Social Work
Devin Rexvid

Astrid Schlytter

Guest lecturer

Department of Social Work
Astrid Schlytter. Foto: Vilhelm Stokstad

Anneli Silvén Hagström

Senior lecturer, associate professor

Department of Social Work
Anneli Silvén Hagström

Mira Sörmark

PhD student

Department of Social Work
Mira Johansson. Foto: Niklas Björling

Research group

Research projects