Stockholm university

Economic sociologists analyze economic phenomena with sociological theories and perspectives. Sociologists have always been interested in understanding and explaining economic phenomena, from the household’s economy to the modern market society.

Classical sociologists such as Weber, Marx, Durkheim, Martineau and Simmel analyzed both micro, mezzo and macro aspects of economic action and economic systems. “New” economic sociology, often explained as starting in 1986, deals with a variety of empirical areas such as; production, consumption, trade, transactions, environment, labor markets, financial economics, value chains, illegal markets, money and much more. The research subject has also made substantial theoretical contributions to general sociology for example with concepts such as embeddedness, market culture, fictitious goods, performativity, social economic action, market definitions, values and (e)valuation, to name a few. Economic sociology is conducted with both qualitative and quantitative methods and related research subjects are organizational theory, the study of institutions, cultural studies, network theory, critical theory and/or rational choice theory.

Related research subject

Person compares two piles of money, symbolizing wage gap
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Petter Bengtsson

PhD Student

Department of Sociology

Stefano Cantalini


Department of Sociology
Stefano Cantalini

Åke Sandberg

Professor Emeritus

Department of Sociology
Åke Sandberg. Foto: Privat

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The research activities takes place at the Department of Sociology. 

Department of Sociology