Stockholm university

The research area Social networks aims at analyzing the structure in  relationships among various social actors, as well as how that structure changes over time.

Research within this area increase our understanding of the social  mechanisms behind the interplay between social actors and their  societal consequences. Examples of social phenomena that are studied  with social network analysis are: the rise and evolution of criminal networks, the spread of infectious deceases through society, or the spread of information, ideas and political opinions.

Related research subject

Threads in different colours in a complicated network
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Fredrik Liljeros

Professor of Sociology

Department of Sociology

Hernan Mondani

Researcher, Docent in Sociology

Department of Sociology
Foto Mondani

Jens Rydgren

Professor of Sociology

Department of Sociology
Jens Rydgren. Foto: Clément Morin/Stockholms universitet.

Frankseco Junior Yorke

Phd student

Department of Sociology
Profile Image of Frankseco Yorke

Research group

Research projects

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Departments and centres

The research activities takes place at the Department of Sociology. 

Department of Sociology Swedish Institute for Social Research