Stockholm university

Research subject Sociology of Punishment, Law and Crime

This research subject examines the relationship between punishment, law, crime and society and complements Law and Criminology.

It is a classical field within sociology as it investigates the fundamentals of social order. The field deals with questions of authority, morality, justice, culture, power, and various forms of social stratification.

Related research subject

Prison fence with barbed wire
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Vanessa Lynn Barker

Professor of Sociology

Department of Sociology
Vanesa Barker

Ann-Zofie Duvander

Professor of Demography

Department of Sociology
Ann-Zofie Duvander. Foto: Leila Zoubir/Stockholms universitet

Johanna Finnström

Phd student

Department of Sociology
Johanna Finnström

Research projects

Courses and programmes

Departments and centres

The research activities takes place at the Department of Sociology. 

Department of Sociology