Stockholm university

Statistics is the science of collection and analysis of data. The research field develops probability models and methods for data analysis and uncertainty quantification, often by a combination of mathematics and advanced computer algorithms.

Researchers in Statistics are developing inference methods for drawing statistically verified conclusions about underlying mechanisms from observed data. Data often contain errors of different kinds, and a central part of statistical research is therefore focused on data collection methods for improved data quality. Methods for predicting new data and decision making under uncertainty are also important parts of statistical research.

Statistical methods are used in all empirical sciences, and statistical researchers are therefore often active in specialized subareas such as econometrics, psychometrics and demography. Statistics is also fundamental for artificial intelligence and machine learning, areas that have become increasingly important for statistical research.

On this page

Bayesian Inference

Bayesiansk inferens

Design and analysis of experiments

Design av planerade försök

Official Statistics

Statistik, stapeldiagram

Statistical models in the social sciences

Statistiska modeller

Time series analysis

Allé Humlegården