Stockholm university

The focus of the discipline’s research is on dance presented onstage, but it cannot be studied without also capturing the interest in physical movement from a broader socio-political and media perspective.

Dance, body, society, culture and politics are studied as intertwined phenomena. Theories used range from an intersectional perspective, via phenomenology, historiography, cultural theory to more specific methods for movement and dance analysis.

Related research subject

Theatre Studies
Dans. Foto Ahmad Odeh-Unsplash.
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Petra Dotlacilová


Department of Culture and Aesthetics
Petra Dotlacilová

Lena Hammergren

Professor emerita

Department of Culture and Aesthetics
Lena Hammergren

Josefine Löfblad

PhD student

Department of Culture and Aesthetics
Josefine Löfblad

Iris Ellen Charlotte Stigsdotter Kuylenstierna Harrysson

PhD student

Department of Culture and Aesthetics

Ingrid Redbark Wallander


Department of Culture and Aesthetics

Research projects

Departments and centres

The research activities takes place at the Department of Culture and Aesthetics.

Department of Culture and Aesthetics