Stockholm university

Ethology is the scientific study of how and why animals behave in the way they do. 

We focus on understanding behaviours in their natural context, using a variety of perspectives: from the underlying neural mechanisms and development to adaptive value and broad evolutionary patterns across taxa.

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David Wheatcroft

Associate Professor

Department of Zoology

Léa Daupagne


Department of Zoology

Gilles De Meester


Department of Zoology

Mario Gallego-Abenza


Department of Zoology

Ana Gomes


Department of Zoology
Ana Cristina R. Gomes

Fanny-Linn Kraft


Department of Zoology

Annika Boussard

PhD student

Department of Zoology
Annika Boussard

Erika Fernlund Isaksson


Department of Zoology

Lan Ma

PhD student

Department of Zoology

Samyuktha Rajan

PhD student

Department of Zoology

Madicken Åkerman

PhD student

Department of Zoology

Sven Jakobsson

Professor Emeritus

Department of Zoology
Sven Jakobsson

Olof Leimar

Professor Emeritus

Department of Zoology
Olof Leimar

Research group

Research projects

Courses and programmes

Courses in Ethology at undergraduate and advanced level that are administered by the Department of Biology Education (BIG).

Here you find more information about courses and programmes at BIG

Doctoral studies

To be admitted to the doctoral program in Ethology, you must apply for an advertised doctoral student position. Vacancies are advertised on Stockholm University's website.

Available PhD positions at Stockholm University


Departments and centres

Research in the subject takes place at the Department of Zoology

Department of Zoology