Stockholm university

Ecology is the study of how organisms interact with each other and their physical environment, as well as the large-scale patterns and processes that this gives rise to.

Our topics of study include different species interactions, speciation, life history evolution, and how animals respond to a changing climate.

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Bengt Karlsson


Department of Zoology
Bengt Karlsson

Cecilia Kullberg

Researcher, Docent

Department of Zoology
Cilla Kullberg

Karin Norén

Researcher, Docent

Department of Zoology
Karin Norén

Jessica Hadlow


Department of Zoology

Erin Macartney


Department of Zoology

Axel Wiberg


Department of Zoology

Julie Bommerlund

PhD student

Department of Zoology

Christopher Alan Cockerill

PhD student

Department of Zoology
Christopher Cockerill field photo

Dick Moberg

PhD student

Department of Zoology

Matilda Queenie Rose Pembury-Smith

PhD student

Department of Zoology

Katharina Schneider

PhD student

Department of Zoology

Vanessa Schreiber

PhD student

Department of Zoology

Anna Brødsgaard Shoshan

PhD student

Department of Zoology

Isabelle Marie Carola Siemers

PhD student

Department of Zoology
Bella Siemers

Anders Angerbjörn

Professor Emeritus

Department of Zoology
Anders Angerbjörn

Research groups

Research projects

Courses and programmes

Courses in Animal Ecology at undergraduate and advanced level that are administered by the Department of Biology Education (BIG).

Here you find more information about courses and programmes at BIG

Doctoral studies

To be admitted to the doctoral program in Animal Ecology, you must apply for an advertised doctoral student position. Vacancies are advertised on Stockholm University's website.

Available PhD positions at Stockholm University

Departments and centres

Research in the subject takes place at the Department of Zoology

Department of Zoology