Stockholm university

Functional Zoomorphology is the study of the relationship between the structure of organisms (or systems within organisms) and their function.

Our work is broadly aimed at understanding how the morphology of animal bodies and their neural and sensory structures affect how animals interact with their environment as well as exploring how changes in the environment lead to variation in these structures.

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Valentina Di Santo

Assistant Professor

Department of Zoology
Valentina Di Santo

Mikael Carlsson

Researcher, Docent

Department of Zoology
Mikael A Carlsson

Philipp Lehmann

Researcher, Docent

Department of Zoology
Philipp Lehmann

Ernesto Restrepo


Department of Zoology

Elizabeth Murphy


Department of Zoology

Kevin Roberts


Department of Zoology

Inga Tuminaite


Department of Zoology

Maertha Eriksson

PhD student

Department of Zoology

Guadalupe Sepulveda

PhD student

Department of Zoology

Philip Süess

PhD student

Department of Physical Geography
Philip Süess

Bertil Borg

Professor Emeritus

Department of Zoology
Bertil Borg

Heinrich Dircksen

Professor Emeritus

Department of Zoology
Heinrich Dircksen

Dick Nässel

Professor Emeritus

Department of Zoology
Dick Nässel

Courses and programmes

Courses in Functional Zoomorphology at undergraduate and advanced level that are administered by the Department of Biology Education (BIG).

Here you find more information about courses and programmes at BIG

Doctoral studies

To be admitted to the doctoral program in Functional Zoomorphology, you must apply for an advertised doctoral student position. Vacancies are advertised on Stockholm University's website.

Available PhD positions at Stockholm University

Departments and centres

Research in the subject takes place at the Department of Zoology

Department of Zoology