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Research Traineeship in Biology II

Research traineeship in biology allows you to deepen you understanding of how scientific studies are conducted. By taking part in the day to day work you will gain insight into the work at a biological institution.

Research Traineeship in Biology II builds on the knowledge and experience that you gained during Research Traineeship in Biology I. The aim is that you should be confident in the methods you use so that you can describe then and explain  method choices. You are also expected to be able to discuss probelms and challenges that you faces during the traineeship and how to solve them. Not least, you should be able to reflect on what you have learnt during the traineeship and identify your need of further knowledge. Important skills for your continued studies as well as future work.

Information for admitted students summer 2024

Welcome to summer term 2024 at BIG! Open here, read and let us know if you have any questions.

It is your responsibility to ensure that you are registered on the correct course. If you do not register then your place can go to a reserve. However, it is important that you only register on courses that you do intend to take, or you are taking a place from another student.

Registration periods summer 2024

Note! In order for us to efficiently be able to help all students, before registering make sure to carefully read our information to admitted students.

  • Registration for all courses opens 29 April and closes on the Sunday at least one week before the course starts.
  • Traineeships, research traineeships and degree projects are open for registration throughout the semester (see more below).

If you have trouble registering, please contact our student office before the last registration day. Otherwise you will loose your place on the course.

Register online

Reserve place

If you have been given a reserve place you may be admitted if someone declines their place. In which case you must confirm that you want the place by attending the reserve roll call for each course. For traineeships, research traineeships and degree projects see more information in the link above.

Read about reserve roll call

More information about your studies with us

On our website you will find more information about your studies with us.

  • Course structure

    Research traineeship in biology II is conducted in a research group at a biological department at Stockholm University. You choose if you want to do the traineeship in the same research group as for Research traineeship I or if you want to be in a different research group. Just as for the first course it is your interests and goals that steer the choice.

    Teaching format

    Research traineeship is tought through supervision. During the course you will take part in the day to day work in the research group, this can include labwork, field work, data analysis, reading of iterature, seminars and group meeting. As part of the course you are also expected to document the planning, doing and reflection of your work in a logbook. Just as for Research Traineeship in Biology I.


    The research traineeship is examined based on your logbook, which for Research traineeship in biology II should be supplemented with an extended reflection where you show that you have achieved the learning outcomes described above.


    Kenneth Ekvall
    Telephone: +46 (0)8-16 4071
    Meetings after booking by e-mail

  • Schedule

    The schedule will be available no later than one month before the start of the course. We do not recommend print-outs as changes can occur. At the start of the course, your department will advise where you can find your schedule during the course.

    Research traineeship 7,5 credits equates to 4.5 weeks of fulltime work.  The course does not have set start and end dates, but you should apply for the course the period that best fits when you plan to do the traineeship. Which weeks you will work and what workhours you should keep is an agreement you make with your supervisor, these are then specified in the work plan which must be approved by the examiner.

  • Course literature

    Note that the course literature can be changed up to two months before the start of the course.

    Research Traineeship in Biology does not have any official literature. Depending on your traineeship you may be expected to read different forms of literature, if so, this is something that you will discuss with your supervisor.

  • Course reports

    Collated answers are for the full year (not only spring term)

  • More information

    How to apply

    Before you start your internship, you must follow all these steps:

    • Apply as usual on Apply to the period that best matches your plans.
    • When the application has closed, you will receive a link to a form where you fill in the workplace and work plan (see more information below). The deadline for submission is normally about one month after the application closes.
    • When the workplace and work plan have been approved by the examiner, you will be admitted (assuming that you are eligible) and you can register online. Note that you must have passed Research traineeship in biology I before you can be admitted to and register for Research traineeship in biology II.

    You can not start the traineeship until you have registered for the course! This is important because you are not insured by the university until you are registered.

  • Contact

    Student office
    Study counsellor for basic level