Stockholm university
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Cultural Heritage: Aesthetics, Learning and Reflexivity

Explore your interest in cultural heritage. The course is a distance course given in English.

The course discusses material cultural heritage (art, objects, buildings, and other physical formations) and immaterial cultural heritage (narratives, traditions, practices, knowledge, and other immaterial values).

One focal point of the course is the concept of cultural heritage, its definitions and uses in different contexts for different purposes (for example, pedagogical, commercial, political, ideological). The process of ongoing reinterpretation of cultural heritage to make it relevant for education will be discussed. Of special interest are cultural heritage and cultural environments for educational goals and to further reflexivity, for instance in regards to the aesthetic questions and critical analysis of meaning and values that specific cultural heritage is thought to convey or carry. Through these discussions - and through questions of inclusion and exclusion - the concept of cultural heritage is specified.