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English IV for teaching at Upper Secondary Schools including degree project

This course is part of the Teacher Education Programme for Upper Secondary School with English as the first subject.

English IV for teaching (EN04GY) is a course at advanced level where students select a preferred specialisation (English literature or English linguistics) ahead of each term. Different modules at advanced level are given within the two specialisations each term. The degree project is written within the chosen specialisation and should also have relevance to the teaching profession.

Information for admitted students autumn 2024


Registration is mandatory and will be open in Ladok for admitted students between 5 and 18 August. You need to register on time to confirm and keep your place. The eligibility criteria for the course are stipulated in the syllabus.

Ladok for students

Important: As of 1 January 2024, you must use eduID or your account on to log in to Ladok. Read more: Temporary way to log in to Ladok starting in the New Year.


After registration you will get access to Athena, where course material from teachers will be made available.


  • Course structure

    The course consists of two modules (7.5 credits each) and a degree project (15 credits). Students will take one module in period 1 (AB) and one module in period 2 (CD), as well as the degree project with seminars running across the term, within their chosen specialisation.

    Eligibility criteria are stated in the syllabus.


    Modules 1 and 2 in literature or linguistics (7.5 credits each):

    These modules aim at further developing the students’ understanding of literary / linguistic concepts, analyses and methodology within the chosen field of linguistics or literature, as well as their ability to apply these on relevant authentic material. Each module will have a series of seminars.

    Links to module descriptions with reading lists for the optional modules can be found under "More information" below.

    Module 3: Degree project (15 credits):

    The purpose of the degree project is to give the students the opportunity to independently identify and formulate a research question within a chosen field of study in linguistics or literature and to seek, collect, evaluate and interpret relevant information in relation to this research question and present this in a research paper. Students will attend some seminars related to the degree project. As well as a series of seminars, meetings with the assigned supervisor will be set up individually.

    Module description:

    Degree Project - Literature, thesis information, HT24 (pdf) (196 Kb)

    Degree Project - Linguistics, seminar series description, HT24 (pdf) (279 Kb)
    Degree Project - Linguistics, general information, HT24 (pdf) (233 Kb)

    Teaching format

    The teaching comprises seminars and individual supervision for the degree project. Active participation is expected from students in all teaching formats in order to pass the examination. Students will often work with different tasks and assignments during the seminars in preparation for the examination. Apart from scheduled teaching, time will be spent reading course literature and completing mandatory assignments. Full-time students are expected to spend about 40 hours per week on their studies.


    Optional modules: Oral and written assignments – see the individual course descriptions for details.

    Degree project: Degree project, formulated together with the supervisor and ventilated at the end of term.


    Examiners, degree projects, VT24 (pdf) (169 Kb)

    Examiners, HT24 (pdf) (153 Kb)

    Examiners, VT24 (pdf) (151 Kb)

  • Schedule

    The schedule will be available no later than one month before the start of the course. We do not recommend print-outs as changes can occur. At the start of the course, your department will advise where you can find your schedule during the course.

    Links to the schedule for each optional module in linguistics and literature can be found under "More information" below. 

    Degree Project, autumn 2024:

    Degree Project in English language literature

    Degree Project in English linguistics

    Note that the exact schedule for the defence seminars will depend on the number of participating students. The schedule is also subject to change in case of unforeseen circumstances. Meetings with the assigned supervisor will be set up individually.

  • More information

    Autumn term 2024

    Students due to take the course are sent an online form that asks for preference in terms of the optional modules and topic suggestions for the degree project within the chosen specialisation. Ahead of the autumn term, preferences and topic suggestions need to be submitted by 15 August.

    After the allocation of supervisors is completed, you will get access to Athena, where course material from teachers will be made available. You will receive information on who your degree project supervisor is at the first seminar with the coordinator for your specialisation - linguistics or literature (see the schedule for details).

    Below are the planned modules/courses for the autumn term 2024.

    Optional modules in English language literature - period AB:
    Postcolonial Literatures I
    - Introduction to Literary Interpretation - schedule and LVAN61 module description, HT24 (pdf) (64 Kb)

    Optional modules in English linguistics - period AB:
    Interlanguage and Cross-Cultural Pragmatics

    Optional modules in English language literature - period CD:
    Approaches to Realism
    Narrative Theory

    Optional modules in English linguistics - period CD:
    Discourse Analysis
    Language Learning and Second Language Acquisition

  • Contact

    Degree project coordinator (literature): Irina Rasmussen

    Degree project coordinator (linguistics): Špela Mežek

    Student Affairs Office