Stockholm university
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Managing Human Resources

In all organizations, the management of human resources is an essential and complex phenomenon and is directed at controlling human character and behaviour. Control is needed for the organizations to reach its goal (internal efficiency) but also to check balance with the surrounding milieu - external efficiency.

To gain internal efficiency then control is needed to make sure that human character and behaviour is aligned with the organization's objective. It might be the case that control might become even more essential and complex as the millennials (born around the millennia) are entering the labour market. The argument is that old work ethics are under pressure from a new, aesthetically radically different, consumer driven work ethics.

There are two central issues arising out of this:

  • Does this consumer driven, aesthetical, work ethics change how organizations have to, or can, 'approach' and conduct organizational control?
  • Does this consumer driven, aesthetically, work ethics support or obstruct individual and organizational responsibility?

In this course students will work with the topic of managing human resources with regards to individual responsibility in organizations. The course consists of two main themes:

1) Organizational programs for controlling human character and behaviour,
2) Aestheticization of society, organizations and individuals.

At the start students will be familiarized with the thwo themes, not as simple toolboxes, but as contemporary phenomena that has widespread influence both within and outside workplaces. To develop and stimulate their ability to discuss and argue, students will work closely in groups to produce an academically informed but journalistically accessible text in the form of an opinion essay. This task forces students to think about writing in a different format: where words are used economically to inform and persuade a more general audience.

Finally, the students will write an independent essay in which they develop their ability to critically evaluate and reflect upon the main themes of the course. This will take the form of a home exam.

  • Course structure

    Teaching format

    The course consists of a combination of lectures, seminars and group work and requires a significant portion of self-study on the part of students. Assessment for the course will be continuous and is carried throughout the different activities of the course.

    The course workload is 200 hours equivalent to 7,5 ECTS.
    The language of instruction is English. Please note that all teaching and learning activities - such as lectures, seminars, assignments and assessment
    tasks – are carried out in English when the language of instruction is English.



    Assessment for the course will be continuous and is carried throughout the different course activities. Each assessment task is weighted in relation to its importance in the overall assessment of the course.
    The student’s results from the different assessment tasks are added up to a total course score that will then translate into the final grade for the course.

    Assessment tasks
    The course contains the following weighted assessment tasks.
    1. Individual course essay (home-exam): assesses intended learning outcomes 1-5; constitutes 70% of total course points.
    2. Group op-ed essay: assesses intended learning outcomes 3-6; constitutes 30% of total course points.

    After completion of the course, students will receive grades on a scale related to the intended learning outcomes of the course. Passing grades are A, B, C, D and E. Failing grades are Fx and F. A grade Fx can be completed for a grade E.

  • Schedule

    The schedule will be available no later than one month before the start of the course. We do not recommend print-outs as changes can occur. At the start of the course, your department will advise where you can find your schedule during the course.
  • Course literature

    Note that the course literature can be changed up to two months before the start of the course.

    See reading list in the current syllabus.

  • Course reports

  • Contact

    Course coordinator:

    Head of course: Tommy Jensen