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Practical Philosophy I - Business, ethics and sustainability

Practical philosophy I introduces basic questions concepts and theories in practical philosophy that have particular relevance to the program Business, Ethics and Sustainability. Some of those questions are: What makes an act morally right? By what principles do we judge a society to be fair?

Learning platform
Reading instructions, detailed plan of the course etc. is found on the course’s Athena-page. Admitted students who have activated their student account and are registered to the course will automatically be able to access the Athena-page.

Expected learning outcomes, forms of examination and grades
See the education plan in the column to the right.  

  • Course structure

    Unit 1: Introduction to argumentation analysis, semantics and logic (6 credits)
    Teacher: Conrad Bakka

    This unit discusses foundational concepts and problems in argumentation, semantics and logic with the help of practical exercises. 

    Unit 2: Normative ethics (6 credits)
    Teacher: Isaac Taylor

    This unit contains a study of central problems in normative ethics. Examples: What characterizes the kinds of actions that should be performed? What responsibilities do we have towards other people and beings? Examples of central normative theories are utilitarianism, deontology and virtue ethics.

    Unit 3: Political philosophy (6 credits) 
    Teacher: Greg Bognar

    The unit contains a study and analysis of central problems of contemporary political philosophy. Examples of such problems are: What characterizes a just society? On what grounds should power and social goods be distributed? Examples of central theories are liberalism, socialism and feminism. 

    Unit 4: Philosophy of economics and the social sciences (6 credits)
    Teacher: Erik Angner

    The unit contains a study and analysis of central problems in the philosophy of economics and the social sciences. Examples of relevant concepts that are analyzed in the unit are welfare, rationality and collective choices. Problems that are treated are, for example, the relationship between preferences, welfare, value, rationality and collective choices. 

    Unit 5: Philosophy, ethics and policy (6 credits)
    Teacher: Antoinette Schertz

    This unit presents an overview of how philosophy of science and normative ethics can help us understand and better scientific analysis and how philosophy and science together can help us develop, evaluate and improve political efforts. The course uses examples that are of special relevance to the program, including questions of welfare and sustainability. 

  • Schedule

    The schedule will be available no later than one month before the start of the course. We do not recommend print-outs as changes can occur. At the start of the course, your department will advise where you can find your schedule during the course.
  • Course literature

    Note that the course literature can be changed up to two months before the start of the course.
  • Contact

    Student office

    Director of studies: Elisabeth Furberg

    Student councelling