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Tellus II - Physical Geography

The course is a distance course and deals with the Earth´s shape, mapping- and remote sensing methods and Geographical Information Systems GIS as well as basic cartography.

Furthermore, it deals with the Quaternary climate development, soil classification, soil genesis and distribution, litho-, bio- and chronostratigraphical analysis methods as well as soil related environmental problems. Also the interaction between soil conditions and biotopes, links between the physical landscape and species distribution as well as biogeography´s application in nature preservation are addressed during the course.

The course is a component of the Bachelor's Programme in Earth Science, Distance Learning and it can also be taken as an individual course.

IT-distance via learning platform for distance courses Moodle.

Enrollment key for Moodle will be sent to your student e-mail! Before the course starts, you will receive an e-mail from us with information about roll call, registration, schedule, course literature, etc. Be sure to check your email (also look in the spam filter).

  • Course structure

    IT-distance via learning platform for distance courses Moodle.  

    • Autumn term 2022, IT-distance, Study tempo 50%
    • Spring term 2023, IT-distance, Study tempo 50%
    • Autumn term 2023, IT-distance, Study tempo 50%
    • Spring term 2024, IT-distance, Study tempo 50%


    • Quaternary Geology, 4.5 credits
    • Biogeography and Soil Science, 4 credits
    • Remote Sensing, GIS and Cartography, 4 credits

    Teaching format

    The course is given only as a distance learning course and the teaching consists of web-based teaching.


    For details see syllabus.

    Plagiarism and regulations for disciplinary matters

    As a student you must be conscientious about clearly accounting for the material used in the texts that are submitted for examination. To use another person’s expressions or ideas without stating the source is plagiarism. To translate and/or change some words in someone else’s text and present it as your own is also a form of plagiarism. Plagiarism is considered cheating and if discovered in an exam or paper, the exam or paper will be failed immediately and disciplinary measures may be taken.

    Any student who is caught cheating or disrupting academic activities may be suspended from lectures and exams for a period of up to six months. The Vice Chancellor or the Disciplinary Council decide whether the student is to be subject to any disciplinary measures. 

    Read more about the rules and regulations here: Governing documents relating to education.


    Simon Larsson

  • Course literature

    Note that the course literature can be changed up to two months before the start of the course.

    Fredén, C. (editor) 1994: Geology, National Atlas of Sweden is made available via the course's learning platform.

  • Course reports

  • Contact

    Registration is normally done at the beginning of each semester. If you have not received information about registration you can contact the student office directly. 

    Student office (Registration questions) 
    Lena Åkerblom

    Course responsible
    Simon Larsson

    Study counsellor and contacts
