Stockholm university
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Terrestrial Geophysics

*The course is now between April 29 and June 2, 2024.

Photo: Richard Gyllencreutz
Photo: Richard Gyllencreutz

In the course "Terrestrial geophysics 7.5 hp" you will learn the basics of the most common methods in geophysics and its applications in geology.

*Course period Spring 2024: Please note that the course period has changed. The couse is now between May 2 to June 2 2024.
The students have been informed by e-mail.


The course covers terrestrial geophysics and geophysical survey methods, and includes:

  • geophysical theory including gravity, magnetism, geo-electric properties, radiometric properties and seismicproperties
  • geophysical properties of rocks and planet Earth
  • function and use of geophysical instruments
  • geologic interpretation of geophysical data.