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EU Consumer Law

Our summer course in EU Consumer Law aims to make students aware of their consumer rights within the EU Member States, and how to enforce them.

EU banking
Foto: Tanja Esser / Mostphotos

EU Consumer Law is given as an elective course within the framework of the summer programme at the Department of Law, Stockholm University. Read more about the programme on the following page:

SULaw's Summer Programme

After the course, students will be able to compare and evaluate the different implementations of EU Consumer Law Directives in the single Member States with the help of legal texts.

  • Course structure

    Follow the link below to read more about the course details.

    Syllabus - EU Consumer Law


    Teaching format

    Instruction comprises 2 weeks of full-time studies and consists of lectures and seminars.


    Examination is conducted through active participation at all teaching and a written exam.

  • More information

    Learning platform

    During the course, registered students will receive additional course information on the Athena learning platform.

    The Department

    Read more about education at the Department of Law at Stockholm University on our homepage.

    Education - Department of Law 


  • Contact

    Questions regarding our summer courses are answered by our Office of International Affairs.

    Summer Programme