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Exploring the Intersections of Disability Rights and Reproductive Justice

Our summer course Exploring the Intersections of Disability Rights and Reproductive Justice seeks to engage students in the legal, policy, moral, and ethical issues at the intersection of health and disability rights and reproductive justice.

Human Rigts
Photo: Markus Spiske (unsplash)

Exploring the Intersections of Disability Rights and Reproductive Justice  is given as an elective course within the framework of the summer programme at the Department of Law, Stockholm University. Read more about programme on the following page:

SULaw's Summer Programme

After the course, students will be able to analyze and evaluate laws and policies for their impact on the reproductive health and rights of people living with disabilities.

  • Course structure

    Follow the link below to read more about the course details.

    Syllabus - Exploring the Intersections of Disability Rights and Reproductive Justice

    Teaching format

    Instruction comprises 2 weeks of full-time studies and consists of lectures and seminars.


    Examination is conducted through active attendance at all teaching and a written take-home exam.

  • More information

    Learning platform

    During the course, registered students will receive additional course information on the Athena learning platform.

    The Department

    Read more about education at the Department of Law at Stockholm University on our homepage.

    Education - Department of Law 


  • Contact

    Summer Programme