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Methods, Theories and Practices in Environmental Law

The course Methods, Theories and Practices in Environmental Law deals with theoretical, methodological and practical questions at an advanced level.

lawyer judge reading documents at desk in courtroom working on wooden desk background. gavel golden
Photo: Snowing

The course Methods, Theories and Practices in Environmental Law is given within the framework of the Master of Laws in Environmental Law at the Department of Law, Stockholm University.  

Read more about the Master of Laws in Environmental Law

The course includes seminars, written assignments, as well as a comprehensive negotiation game where course participants negotiate a document that corresponds to an international regulatory framework or similar regarding a current environmental issue.

In parallel with the course, students take the course Master Thesis in Environmental Law, during which they carry out their final independent degree thesis for the programme. The aim is that students benefit from the knowledge, skills etc. developed during this course while writing their thesis.  

  • Course structure

    Follow the link below to read more about the course details.

    Syllabus - Methods, Theories and Practices in Environmental Law

    Teaching format

    Instruction, which is mandatory, consists of seminars and a negotiation game. The language of instruction is English.


    The course is examined through active attendance at the seminars, the writing and oral presentation of three essays and through participation in the negotiation game.


    Jonas Ebbesson

  • Schedule

    The schedule will be available no later than one month before the start of the course. We do not recommend print-outs as changes can occur. At the start of the course, your department will advise where you can find your schedule during the course.
  • More information

    Learning platform

    During the course, registered students will receive additional course information on the Athena learning platform.

    The Department

    Read more about education at the Department of Law at Stockholm University on our homepage.

    Education - Department of Law 


  • Contact

    Course contact: 

    Course coordinator: 
    Lisa Östman

    Course manager:
    Jonas Ebbesson